Carolyn Denham and Roderick Field are Merchant & Mills. The company was formed in 2010 to elevate sewing to its proper place in the creative world, respecting the craftsmanship it entails. They produce a range of card patterns and really useful kits and in profound contrast to the pretty, flowery image of the average haberdasher, they present superb and unusual sewing of notions in stark, utilitarian packaging.
Carolyn has a degree in fashion and has lived and worked in Italy and New York. She spent several years in Interior Design. Roderick is an established photographer and writer with works in the National Portrait Gallery. He is responsible for the company’s visual style and is currently designing artwork for a wide variety of contemporary merchandise.
This book hopes to be your ever-ready tutor, to elaborate on troublesome methods or to offer a simple solution to a challenging task.
The Merchant & Mills Elementary Sewing Skills book is a pocket or bag companion, packed full of useful techniques for wardrobe maintenance and alterations. Bound in linen, with crystal clear instructions, sequenced illustrations and beautiful photography, it is both useful and beautiful. Topics include darts and gathering, seams, ease, hems, interfacing and closures such as buttons and zips are all covered alongside advice on using and understanding patterns and performing basic alterations. Successful sewing is very achievable: just make sure that you have this book to hand at all times. Keep it simple & do it well.